It turns out this Eagles fan, who got knocked out in a brawl, was a victim of brotherly love

Cowboys fans might not have won on the field, but at least they're knocking out the competition off it.

During this November game between the Dallas Cowboys and the Philadelphia Eagles, emotions boiled over in the stands. One Cowboys fan and an Eagles fan appeared to be locked in a screaming match when the Dallas supporter hit him the one-hit knockout.

Here's the twist —- all involved were brothers, and they've all been arrested in connection with various crimes.

The three brothers —- Jorge, Jose and Ignacio Castillo —- were all at the game, and police believe they were intoxicated. A fight ensued, and Ignacio ended up knocked out cold and in the hospital.  Jorge was arrested in a charge of family violence; Jose was arrested on a charge of assault; and Ignacio, the one that got flattened, was arrested in connection with felony assault because he allegedly spit on one of the officers involved.


The Eagles, beat the Cowboys 33-27 that day.