Just after a French gymnast broke his leg at the Olympics, paramedics accidentally did the worst thing imaginable

This had to hurt.

Warning: Graphic content

It is a sight we'll never forget.

Horrendous video of the French gymnast who broke his leg at the Olympics on Saturday has been floating all over the Internet, but sadly his bad luck didn't stop there.

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Gymnast Samir Aït Saïd, 26, went off the vault but soon ended horribly when he attempted to land, breaking his left leg with everyone watching.


As if that wasn't scarring enough, paramedics later dropped him while trying to get him onto a stretcher into an ambulance.

RELATED: A French gymnast broke his leg at the Olympics and it's a wince in pain kind of thing to see

Thankfully, he is recovering.


(h/t Mashable)