Butler's live mascot pukes on court pre-game

Not many schools have live mascots anymore, but Butler has a real bulldog and he wasn't feeling too hot before the game. Butler Blue III felt a bit queasy knowing that his team could be knocked out of the Big East Tournament should they lose to Georgetown - and they did 67-61 —- and BBIII threw up a little bit.

Fortunately, the guy handling the Blue III's twitter can take a joke and keep it running too. And no worries, the mess was cleaned up quickly and there was no real delay in the game.

Michael Kaltenmark is the owner and trainer of BBIII and so he handles the account and made sure everyone knew that his companion was staying hydrated the rest of the game.

He had him rearing and ready to go though by halftime as he was quite spirited.

It's just too bad Butler fell victim to the classic March Madness upset bug.