Kentucky coach John Calipari is going to be all over ESPN on Thursday as he is going through the carwash and has appeared on SportsCenter and First Take already. He is set to appear on Dan Le Batard's show Highly Questionable this afternoon and it looks like there might be some bad blood between Calipari and LeBatard brewing.
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On LeBatard's national morning show he was talking about Calipari and how it annoys him that his own network is giving the coach so much time to promote his own agenda and have a national recruiting stage that ESPN is just handing him. Here's a clip from his show this morning showing just how irate he is with the whole situation.
"This is unseemly," Le Batard said. "This is ESPN being in on the deal." He went on to say that there's no moralizing it and he had a texter on the show who said that it comes off "like a gross recruiting tool for Kentucky" and they aren't totally wrong.
In another clip from the show, LeBatard straight up rips ESPN for allowing this to happen and he's in on it too.
"It's simply not right to give him the entire platform to be out recruiting by himself," Le Batard said. "It's not the coaches coming through the carwash. It's one super famous coach who already has a recruiting advantage using all of our platforms to go into full salesman mode."
He went on to say that ESPN is doing something wrong as part of the transaction and that he's right in on it too. Le Batard usually blows smoke when it comes to getting angry about non-issues, but he actually makes some good points and this is serious advantage for Calipari who really doesn't need any more.