On ESPN's popular morning radio show "Mike & Mike", the two hosts of Golic and Greenberg (both Mike) had on a couple of college football analysts to go over their top four teams for the College Football Playoff. The lists are all different and many are incredibly odd in their own rights.
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With so many of the top ten teams losing on Saturday there are a ton of choices for the top four teams and this is what Greenberg feels is the best four with Danny Kanell and Ryen Russillo of "Russillo & Kanell" chiming in on their top four as well.
Greeny's CFB Playoff Final 4 prediction as of today.
-Ohio State
-Wisconsin pic.twitter.com/6IGOfRxZ8B— UNSPORTSMANLIKE Radio (@UnSportsESPN) November 14, 2016
Here is Danny Kanell's top four teams:
Here are Ryen Russillo's top four teams:
As you can see the only consensus pick is Alabama at No. 1 right now. Some of the guys still think Clemson deserves a spot because the Tigers have the same record as Louisville, but have won the head-to-head matchup which the CFP committee seems to favor.
Ohio State is another common pick now that Michigan lost and the two will likely decide the Big Ten's playoff spot with a head-to-head matchup in two weeks. The other teams taking up spots include Washington and Wisconsin, which is odd considering Wisconsin is probably the third or fourth-best team in its own conference and Washington just lost badly to a 7-3 Trojans team.