Five-stars are people too: mother of recruit creates petition against satellite camp ruling

Some poignant words.

RELATED: Donovan Peoples-Jones names his top 10 school

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Five-star receiver Donovan Peoples-Jones has a top 10 list for schools, but wouldn't be there without the "Sound Mind Sound Body" satellite camp that he started attending at an early age in middle school. He was as devastated as anyone when the NCAA ruled that satellite camps were now illegal.

He posted a very long response to the ruling and he is not pleased at all.

His mother, Rozlyn Peoples, has launched a campaign on to hopefully get this petition to the NCAA and get the rule changed. Here's how some of the petition reads:

As a Single Parent/Mother of a high school student at Detroit Cass Tech (Donovan People-Jones) here in the City of Detroit I am initiating this Petition on behalf of all students and parents around the country and even Canada. If you can relate to the struggles of being a parent and encouraging your child to do all they can to prepare for college scholarship opportunities,  or if you know the importance of using athletics as a way for high school students to earn a college scholarship please please read the message below explaining what is happening to our youth.

On Friday April 7th The SEC, ACC, PAC12, BIG12, Sunbelt and MWC conferences voted not to allow FBS (Football Bowl Subdivision) coaches to work camps at sites away from their campuses.  This new rule will restrict and reduce educational opportunities for high school students and their parents by lowering the opportunities for youth to showcase their athletic talents and earn a college scholarship. If college coaches are only allowed to work camps on their campus there will be far less scholarship offers to high school students in the summer of 2016.  

Some seriously strong words from both the Peoples.


[h/t CollegeSpun]