Whoever did this is my new favorite person ever. According to the Niagara-Gazette, an abandoned building in Niagara Falls, Ny. has been playing the University of Iowa's fight song at night for the last six months. According to the report, the song has been blasting from the building on a loop from 4:00p.m. to 11:00p.m. almost every night. The building hasn't stopped playing it even with the recent cold, frigid weather, either. A nearby restaurant owner, Shawn Weber, is very confused and frustrated about the song continuously playing, and adds that tenants who live near the building have also complained.
"I'm not sure what the purpose is or what the issue is," Weber said.
The Niagara Falls Department of Community Development director, Seth Piccirillo, claims he is "aware of the music, but we have not been involved" to this point. The building was purchased by Thunderfalls in 2001 and is today assessed at nearly $350,000.
God bless you, devoted Iowa fan who continues to do this.