ESPN reportedly to air 30 for 30 on arguably the greatest professional wrestler ever


ESPN continues producing incredibly compelling 30 for 30 documentaries, and the latest will have wrestling fans eager with anticipation of this release.

Related: ESPN to air 30 for 30 on football's biggest failure

According to Sports Illustrated, as early as this fall, ESPN will release a 30 for 30 on the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair.

Recklessness is often the stuff of an excellent sports documentary and sometime in the next 12 months, possibly as early as the fall, ESPN's critically-acclaimed 30 for 30 series will air "Nature Boy," a documentary on the life and times of Flair directed by Rory Karpf, who has directed multiple 30 for 30 documentaries including "I Hate Christian Laettner" and "The Book Of Manning."

"In the wrestling world, the viewer isn't sure what's real or what isn't, but 'Nature Boy'-Ric Flair wasn't just a character," said Karpf in an interview this week. "He was real. The wrestler he portrayed in the ring was also the man he was outside the ring. I found that to be fascinating. He's led a crazy life that's a natural for a 30 for 30. Plus I just love pro wrestling."

The jet-flyin, kiss-stealin', wheelin' and dealin' son of a gun has led a pretty insane life, from holding championships to floating between the two biggest wrestling promotions, Flair's persona is bigger than life.

This one sounds like a must-watch for any wrestling fan, or fan of entertainment in general.