Air B. and B. Podcast Episode 1: Is the East for real?

Now that college football season is over and everyone is focused on basketball —- or at least they should be —- we've got FanBuzz's first official NBA podcast of the season. There's plenty of topics like All-Star voting, East vs. West this season, tanking, and ton of others.

FanBuzz writers Bo Churney and Ben Bornstein catch you up on what you need to know about the NBA so far this season and what you can expect going forward.


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If you're looking to check out specific topics here's the tracklist:

0:30 - Cleveland and LeBron
6:00 - Chicago Bulls
11:00 - East vs. West
13:00 - Spurs and Warriors
25:00 - Philadelphia and tanking
30:00 - Boston Celtics
35:00 - All-Star voting
43:00 - The East playoff race
48:00 - Twitter questions