All 32 NFL helmets get awesome Star Wars helmet redesign

J.J. Abrams is re-booting the Star Wars franchise with the Force Awakens, scheduled for a December 15 release. (The trailer, featuring 150-year-old Harrison Ford —- just kidding, he only seems the old —- is below)  To be honest, I've never seen any of the movies and have no desire to. Even though I don't care about Star Wars, a graphic designer redesigned each team's helmet and gave them a Star Wars twist, and these are awesome.

My favorite is definitely New England's, which features Bill Belichick wearing his standard hoodie for the Coruscant Jedis. I wish the Patriots would change their logo to feature Belichick on the helmet.

But really, all of them are great.

Here are some of the best:



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You can check out all of the helmets here.

And, here's the trailer for, the Force Awakens.