Jacksonville Jaguars helmet, NFL

Jacksonville City Council Aiming To Limit All These Jaguars Overseas Games

The Jacksonville Jaguars generally play one "home" game each season in London. The Jacksonville City Council apparently wants to make sure that's the only one.

Per Mike Florio of Pro Football Talk, the city council wants to keep the Jaguars playing the majority of their home games in ... (drumroll, please) ... Jacksonville.

"Via the Florida Times-Union, several council members have taken issue with the possibility of the Jaguars playing two international home games every four years, under the current 17-game season," Florio wrote. "Per the proposed deal, the Jaguars could play two international home games every other year if/when (when) the regular season expands to 18 games.

"The Jaguars point out that the current lease has no limit on the number of home games that the Jaguars can play elsewhere, which taken to its extreme (if accurate) amounts to a license to relocate."

In other words, the more NFL games the Jaguars play away from home, the more the odds are they just decide to make somewhere else their permanent home. At least, that seems to be the fear of the city council.

"If the council can't carve out that part of the deal reached between the team and Jacksonville mayor Donna Deegan, the options are simple: (1) approve the agreement in its entirety; or (2) reject it," Florio wrote.

As it stands, the Jaguars do play two home games a year in London, though only one is as the home team.

After a blazing hot start last season, the Jaguars came back to earth to finish 9-8 and choke away a playoff berth.