A woman has accused Kansas City Chiefs running back Kareem Hunt of assaulting her over the weekend. Opposite that, but allegedly happening in opposition to her claim, an assault charge has also been filed against the accuser.
The woman, 19, told police Hunt "shoved and pushed" her outside Hunt's hotel apartment.
Of note: An unidentified woman who was with Hunt's friends has accused the 19-year-old of assault, and as a result there have been police reports filed with Hunt as a suspect and the woman as a suspect.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer reports no charges have been filed in the incident (at least at the time of this writing). Furthermore, Sgt. Jennifer Ciaccia of the Cleveland Police Department called the incident a "cross complaint" to the paper. Basically, it means the parties claiming assault would be directed to the prosecutor's office if they wanted to press charges.
Hunt's side of the story appears to be that of asking the accuser, as well as others, to leave his apartment and eventually having to call security because they did not vacate the premises. Other people in Hunt's circle claimed the accuser said racial slurs.
Obviously, this is a still developing and fluid story. One we are better left not commenting on until the proper and qualified people handle the situation.
Hunt led the NFL in rushing last season as a rookie.