The Undertaker is the ultimate WWE locker room leader.
So when he gave some advice to Ken Anderson, aka Mr. Kennedy, the rising WWE star was wise to listen.
Here's what was said, per SEScoops transcription of an interview with The Steve Austin Show - Unleashed!
Kennedy noted he would watch MMA and realistic fighting wouldn't end up with guys flat on their backs or taking the same punch in the same spot over and again, so he'd try to mimic them by covering up, or falling backwards into the ropes. The one-time WWE standout said Undertaker had him advice for him as he prepared for a larger role.
"And I remember Taker pulling me aside one day and he was like, 'keep doing that stuff because it's unique and it sets you apart,' but he said, 'I'm telling you now that you're going to get over to RAW and there are people that you're going to come into contact with that aren't going to appreciate that. They're going to think that you're being difficult to work with,' and instead of taking his advice, I just kept doing what Ken Kennedy was doing over on SmackDown and tried to open myself up. And I think that people, certain people, thought that I was difficult to work with, covering up and things like that."
Kennedy quickly rose in the WWE ranks, but would be released in 2009. Kennedy noted the "final straw" was a botched spot between himself and Randy Orton, where Orton and John Cena complained to Vince McMahon.
He also had two "Wellness" violations, and that certainly attributed to his eventual release.
Kennedy would gone on to win the Impact Global Championship twice during his run in TNA Impact wrestling.