Darrell Doucette (left); American Flag Football Ultimate Final Game

NFL Players Have Eyes Set On Competing At 2028 Olympics In Flag Football

NFL players have shown much interest in competing at the next Olympics, with the sport of flag football being set to debut at the 2028 Los Angeles Games.

To note, Miami Dolphins wide receiver Tyreek Hill has previously shared his earnestness to represent the U.S. in the non-tackle version of football, as the eight-time Pro Bowler has already started recruiting his NFL counterparts.

That being said, the main concern will be getting the NFL and Players Association to come to terms on an agreement.

NFL executive vice president Jeff Miller spoke to reporters regarding this on Monday.

"The amount of enthusiasm that we've seen among our players or more broadly for flag football in '28 has been remarkable," Miller said. "Conversations are continuing to go on with the [NFL] Players Association, with players themselves... but obviously the hope would be that players who want to participate in the Olympics and represent their country have that opportunity to do so... It is something that we're working on actively."

With this in mind, not everyone thinks this is a good idea, in particular the current quarterback of the U.S. flag football team, Darrell "Housh" Doucette, isn't too keen on the possibility of a NFL superstar QB, like Jalen Hurts, taking his spot.

"I think it's disrespectful that they just automatically assume that they're able to just join the Olympic team because of the person that they are — they didn't help grow this game to get to the Olympics," Doucette told TheGuardian.com. "Give the guys who helped this game get to where it's at their respect."

"We just don't think they're going to be able to walk on the field and make the Olympic team because of the name, right?" He continued. "They still have to go out there and compete..."

"It's not that we need these guys," Doucette said. "Because we're already great with who we have."

Darrell Doucette (left); 2018 American Flag Football Ultimate Final Game

All in all, no matter who represents the United States, they should be the favorites to win, considering that they invented the sport of football, which the rest of the world still considers to be a sport that involves kicking a round ball into a net.

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