The Pistachio Girl, a vendor known for her animated bellowing of "peanuts" and "pistachios" had made her widely known at the Philadelphia Phillies ballpark, says she's been fired from her job because of her white nationalist beliefs.
Emily Youcis says her white pride views have gotten her fired by Aramark, the food service company that holds the vending contract at Citizens Bank Stadium.
Youcis attracted attention when she attended an Alt-Right gathering in Washington D.C., and was outspoken about her views. At the time, quoted her as saying: "We want to stand up for white America — we're the backbone of this country, the white working-class people," she said at the time.
A YouTube video with her name on it shows her interviewing people outside of the gathering:
Aramark, which operates the food concessions at the Phillies ballpark, released a statement via that confirmed her dismissal.
"A core Aramark value is treating everyone with integrity and respect always. That includes respecting our associates' right to privacy and dealing with personnel matters confidentially. We can only confirm that the individual asked about is no longer employed after publicly connecting our company to views that contradict our values."
She's denied that her views are part of a publicity stunt and in a subsequent interview said that she doesn't hate anyone.
But a look at her Twitter account —- from tweets that appear under her name and tweets that she re-tweeted —- is sure to raise some eyebrows.
In an interview on the Internet channel Red Ice TV, which says it promotes social issues from a pro-European perspective, Youcis says she's thinking about getting a lawyer.