John Daly, Golf, PGA

John Daly Hits In Chip Shot With Drink In Hand

If there's one thing we know about John Daly, it's that he likes to live a less-than-healthy lifestyle and put it on display for all the world to see.

He did it ahead of the PGA Championship, when he could be seen practicing with a cigarette dangling from his mouth. Now, it seems, Daly has outdone himself, hitting in a chip shot during a practice round ahead of the Charles Schwab Challenge.

Daly chipped it in, with a drink in hand, while barefoot. That, friends, is excellence.

Daly, 58, also is sporting his usual Santa Claus beard (and build). No word on if he'll take a golf cart around the course or just ride a sleigh. Actually, with his cigarettes and drinks in tow, Daly may be best suited for a Harley. But there aren't as many cats as cool as this guy in all of pro sports. He's like everyone's favorite uncle.

And again, not exactly a vegan.

"Rich Beam calls me 'camel' cos I never drink water. I drink Diet Coke — I like to have ice, which to me is water. So I get plenty of water in my Diet Coke," Daly once said in an interview with Graham Bensinger

"I don't drink water. I hate water. I cannot stand to drink water. I used to drink 12-20 diet cokes a day, I'd go to McDonald's three or four times a day. To me, they always had the best fountain drink.'

"I drink about five gallons a week of whole milk. I like mixing Hershey's in my vitamin D milk,' he shared before explaining how vegetables don't sit well in his system.

"I don't eat beans spinach, broccoli, any of that stuff. When I was young my dad would force it down me, and I would throw it up."