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Professional Eater Breaks World Record for Most Big Macs Ever

Joey Chestnut is a very, very interesting guy. You probably know him from his annual Independence Day showcase at the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest, but he does much more than that. The competitive eater loves a new challenge and his latest world record is certainly worth the bragging rights.

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Being an eating champion takes a lot of training and discipline. Chesnut is the master at it. He once ate 413 Hooters chicken wings in 12 hours for National Chicken Wings Day, for crying out loud. His latest feat might be his most impressive yet.

Chestnut ate a world record 32 McDonald's Big Macs in 38 minutes. Yes, you read that correctly. Thirty-two double-meat patty hamburgers in one sitting. It looks as crazy as it sounds.

Joey Chestnut Sets World Record for Big Macs

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Just when you thought your cheat day was bad, competitive eater Joey Chestnut puts it all to shame, meat sweats and all. He bought $127 worth of Big Mac sandwiches on Uber Eats and completely went to town.

Chestnut consumed 18,016 calories and 15.36 pounds of meat in 38 minutes and 15 seconds. That's some major league eating because he completely crushes the previous record of 30.

"I remember being a little kid and they would sell two Big Macs for $4 and me and my grandpa would get four of them. I'd end up eating three. And this is bringing me back to being a kid. Me and my grandpa would go back to the same McDonald's every time. And it's crazy, when I drive by that McDonald's I still kinda just think about it. I think about all the times I was there with my grandpa and it's weird the way that food takes you back and helps you remember things. With Big Macs, I definitely remember my grandpa...

"I'm still amazed at how good the Big Macs tasted. It's so much easier to eat a food that you're familiar with and your body just already knows."

Needless to say, his talents extend much further than the Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest on Coney Island in New York, where his eating record is 74 hot dogs in 10 minutes on ESPN.

Setting a new world record for most Big Macs ever? That's absolutely next level.

Perhaps someone in quarantine can challenge Chestnut during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

This post was originally published on March 6, 2020.

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