The pairing of Marshawn Lynch, Rob Gronkowski and Conan O'Brien led to some hilarious late-night television. Conan got two of the funniest guys in the NFL at the time to play a game of Mortal Kombat X together, but the conversation quickly took a detour into other topics.
We learned that Lynch is a very big fan of Mario Kart and that his favorite character is Toad. He also likes to button-mash when playing video games. Gronk made some classic Gronk sex jokes, which is apparently his go-to for humor.
After the duo finished playing Mortal Kombat X, Lynch taught O'Brien how to do his infamous crotch-grab touchdown celebration. Without the threat of the NFL fining him thousands of dollars, Lynch happily obliged to show him the art of grabbing your man area. O'Brien even PAID Lynch $50 for doing it.
This segment is a classic. Gronk and Lynch are hilarious, especially the crotch-grab part.
This post was originally published on January 30, 2015.