Tim Tebow, Jose Canseco
AP Photo/Jeff Roberson/Haraz N. Ghanbari

Tim Tebow Superfan Jose Canseco Offers Free Swing Help to Juice His Numbers

If New York Mets outfielder Tim Tebow is going to find a permanent home in Major League Baseball, he is going to need some help. Sure, having natural ability, a great personal life with a new fiance, and some side TV gigs are all grand, but his name alone is not going to earn him a lot of playing time if he cannot consistently hit a baseball.

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Luckily, one of the best hitters of all time is willing to step in to help, free of charge. That person? None other than Jose Canseco. Yeah, that guy.

Say what you want about using performance-enhancing drugs for another time. Canseco, the former MVP with six MLB All-Star appearances and two World Series titles, knows how to make contact. He belted 462 home runs during his time with the Oakland Athletics, Texas Rangers, Boston Red Sox, Toronto Blue Jays, Tampa Bay Devil Rays, New York Yankees and Chicago White Sox. He knows what he's doing.

But instead of texting the former Florida Gators star and Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback, he went to social media to offer his services.

According to Canseco, Tim Tebow has no rhythm at the plate and he's too rotational.

Don't believe him? Take a look a couple of at-bats with the Mets during a spring training game with the Houston Astros:

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Since Tebow, who also played in the NFL, didn't respond right away, the 55-year-old Canseco decided to go into superfan mode the next day to get the point across that he's willing to help.

If that wasn't weird enough with multiple tweets, Canseco then doubles down and places a strange bet.

There's obviously nothing wrong with one of the top hitters the game has ever seen willing to help someone he believes has the potential to be great. These two teaming up together just seems a bit off, that's all. But whatever.

If Canseco wants to be a personal hitting coach and help Tebow's swing to get him to the major league level, by all means.

The world should be willing to watch Canseco hit a softball in order to help Tim Tebow become a power hitter like Bryce Harper This definitely needs to happen. Might as well throw it on TV, too.

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